


Apa jadi jika dalam hidup ini punya butang ESC. boleh keluar dari masa ini dan pergi ke masa yang kita mahu. atau keluar dari tempat sekarang dan tinggal di masa yang kita mahu. 

few days before , i read a book. A really good book. Suggested by one of my friend. I addicted to this book.
because you can smell the positive vibes and aura from the writer.
the simplicity but meanigfull.

the writer taught me about not to put high expectation on mere people. but instead put your expectation to Allah ; the One who Capable in granting your Doas.

he taught me about how to nurture the friendship . to heal if there is wound. Friendship for the sake of Allah. 

really taught me that you can do something else beside Medicine. 

and there is words that uttered similar like my mom's did..

"Umi tahu kakak memang boleh buat Medicine'

i doubted that words seriously once. but I hope someday  that i will , with the berkah of my Umi's words . And together with my parents' doa.

and sometime i really needs my Umi's hugs and motivational words.

if Allah give me one ESC button, yeah i will go to the moment where I can be beside my Umi and hear her words. advices.

terkadang terasa diri sangat bodoh. merasakan tidak layak berada dalam dewan kuliah di antara semua pelajar yang lagi pandai.

Pabila tidak bisa mencari Vein for venepuncture terasa sangat seperti seorang Medical Student yang tak capable.

sangat terasa inginkan doa dari Umi Abah. agar kuat menahan peritnya belajar. untuk menjadi salah seorang Doctor For Ummah. and also doctor for diri sendiri.

sebab diri sendiri ini pun severely wounded and sometimes maybe need frozen fresh plasma untuk naikkan BP balik. and sedikit Adrenaline. ( okay medical exaggeration)
aku banyak berfikir dan bersendirian. sebab aku berasa dengan bersendirian, kita boleh bermuhasabah . 

kekurangan diri. hubungan kita dengan Manusia dan Allah.

adakah kuat tali kita dengan Allah.

Sorry to mereka yang kurang aku berinteraksi. sebab banyak Flaws yang aku cuba selami pada diri ini.

that's why i am thinking if this life gotta ESC button, so i will mend all the mistakes that i made.

i was once wanna pursue my study in something. thinking that i am capable on doing it.
but ya, keep telling myself Allah put me here in this dangerous full of Pahala path for 'something'

orang lain ada midnight's thoughts. but aku? After lunch thoughts maybe.
sorry Random giller.

rasa down? listen to this and the lyrics.

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