

IPOH; I'm in love

Assalamualaikum and I hope good day to all

well last few days I went to Ipoh for a short trip.With another one of my friends.

and i have tremendously fall in love with the food! and old buildings there .

we got there around 10 am plus vis ETS. Just to get arrive at the old buildings of KTM Ipoh.😀

Just to be clear. Every people have their own intention of vacation. Some may want to explore the nature, some want to try the food and some may want to look at the old building there . And I am the latter two. 

And my friends Azira, is differently opposite. Where she wanted to explore the nature. She really wanted to go to Gua Tempurung. Seriously. 

BUT!  their food are seriously melt my tastebud.
Firstly we arrived at the Nasi Kandar ayam merah /Nasi Ganja some people may call that.

Disclaimer, I am not a fan of curry at all or nasi kandar. But their nasi kandar is mouth watering and their curry is awesome! Well at least for me. My tummy was so happy to makan that kind of food when you are freaking hungry.

We did not get any tables when we arrived . So this one Auntie yang jaga kedai asked us to sit wherever seem empty and we managed to sit in front of one Uncle and that half and hour was the most awkward for me. But finishing the meal was more important. So tak kisahla duduk depan stranger pun.

Next , we went to try the funny TaufuFah. and it is also seriously sedap.. Nangis weh sedap . Rasa macam mengenang kembali makan taufufah depan sekolah. And their cincau drink, please la beli sebab Ipoh panaih namati wehh.

If you came here with car, you do not need to go out from the car because there will be taufuFah drive thru. 

We like woah. That was interesting. But above all, the taufu fah is seriously sedap but hyperglycemic sikit. For me sampai kena keluarkan sikit air manis. But overall is tasty.

*Google and Grab drivers are the one who responsible to recommend the places that is tasty and halal for sure.

I've got double check with Abang Grab and the online pages about the halal status before going to some places . And Alhamdulillah, few places that they recommend to be better.

We also tried the Dim Sum located at Greentown area. For me OK la, because this is my fist time trying out dumpling. But the BBQ chicken pau there is 😋. 

One of the Grab driver recommend us to go DeeJayArr for breakfast . There they have mee kicap and the other common breakfast menu. I tried mee kicap there and I also tried the one at Mee Kicap Daud Jasak. For my truly honest  opinion i prefer DJR more. Because the mee used are variety and it is sweet. In shaa allah kalau umur panjang datang ipoh pergi sana.:)

For the night eating, we went to Bazar Karat, and we accidently when to the foodcourt and according to one nice adik yang jual kacang there, it is named Taman kanak kanak food court. well we looked around what's interesting and Azira picked to eat satay and i went to but popia basah and goreng.
We never come acrossed  those two stall in the internet, but ada few bloggers did wrote about them.

Satay is 10/10 because of the kuah kacang is very tasty and lembut daging satay .NyumNyum. Serious sedap. Nangiss. Feeling nak tempah dari perak tau satay bila time Raya.

Popia basah is also 10/10 sedap fuhh, again,the dressing sweet and just nice. The filling inside popia is macam nak melimpah. Rasa menyesal beli yang goreng sebab yang popia basah is more tasty.

And lastly, rasa macam acah acah nak minum kopi gaya Ipoh sangat kan, on the morning of the last day we went to Restoran M Salim, for a cup of coffee and nasi lemak. Nais lemak dia sedapppp. The coffee rasa macam nak refill. Nasi lemak dia hidang atas daun pisang weh letoppss sangat. Rasa tak puas hati with secangkir kopi tu, balik tu tapau coffee ais. Hurm😋

ANother thing yang sedap di Ipoh was its mee rebus. Omg seriously tempting and sedap. Sangat. 

This journey was a #foodjourney for me.

Ipoh is a must go for every foodie traveller.:)

10:52 pm


Contengan Jalanan Cari Makna Hidup

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Salam EdulAdha still peeps.

Alhamdulillah. As a Muslim we had celebrated our EdulAdha ; Hari Raya Qurban.

Never in my life and in my plan to celebrate this year EdulAdha dengan family lain di Cambodia.

Aku rasa 50-50 serious before joining this and firstly I was not selecting Kemboja as my first destination, I chose Nepal at the first time. But Allah had led me here. Sumpah journey kali ni, banyak aku niat dalam hati nak belajar sabar dan hikmah-hikmah Allah. and tha what He did. He gave me tribulations and all sort of ujian.

Ujian dari bentuk physical or mental.

Honestly , sampai satu tahap aku confuse dengan diri aku sampai aku nangis sorang sorang dekat stesen KTM. Drama sangat kan. Sebab just imagine me being all alone by myself. Takdak orang teman. Sebelum ni pun paling kurang jalan-jalan was with another one of my friends.

I've got mental breakdown jap few hours before departing. Got chills and all those anxiety feeling. NO NO i do not have all those illness.

tapi kita sometimes tends to have kan if nervous sangat.

but syukur alhamdulillah. i shared dengan seorang sahabat baik saya, and she understand and she gave all those comforting words.

Sebab kita macam sama kah? That's why dapat terima je nasihat dia and give a try pergi journey ni dengan kawan kawan baru.

Tapi alhamdulillah . Allah gave me more than what I had prayed.

He gave me friends, opportunities to meet needy people , and able to help them sedikit sebanyak.
sebenarnya, merekalah yang banyak mengajar aku erti sabar, erti gembira dikala susah , erti syukur dan erti menghargai.

May allah gave them keberkatan in life and ease their journey.

on Day 1 of journey, a challenge pun dah dihadapi when kita kena lari pecut to gate last sekaliiii sebab ada few prob that turn out.

Nasib baik sempat boarding on time and sempat solat Subuh. Solat pun tempat orang menunggu. Ambik wudhu dekat tandas memang rasa macam kalut sangat.
Rasa nak gelak pulak bila fikir balik. Memang kalut sangat sampai macam 'Kenapa gate jauhhh sangatttt'. Tapi bila dah board , masing masing semua lena sebab one dekat airport sumpah tak boleh tidur and honestly that one day rasa mentally exhausted sebab kurang tidur.

But alhamdulillah with great team, everything turns out smoothly.

Sesampainya dekat Phenom Penh  International Airport, masing masing maca jetleg /ada yang nak ke toilet sampai rasa terkedu dengan toilet dia. It is without paip air. Apakah!

Rasa macam semua tips and tricks for travelling dari BBM group bermain di minda. Nasib baik aku takda perasaan nak ke toilet time tu.

Lepas everything settle, our guide pun dah tunggu dekat luar airport and terus ke kampung first kitorang untuk misi Qurban tahun ini; Kampung Jorken.

Time sampai sana, ada segelintir masyarakat dah berkumpul dekat masjid sana. And sama-sama tengok proses Qurban . Selain group kitorang, ada others group juga yang join and diorang macam bagi sumbangan baju dan kewangan. Anak anak sana imut imut sekali. Tapi bahasa memang tak faham la diorang cakap apa. Bila diorang gelak kitorang gelak sekali,LOL.

Misi kali ini banyak mengajar diri erti syukur pada yang Esa. Erti kehambaan dan kesaudaraan sesama Muslim.

Setiap perjalanan ke kampung takes about 3-5 hours. Sangat lama. Mostly masyarakat Muslim sememang nya tinggal di kampung kampung dan jauh dari bandar. Pekerjaan masyarakat sana mostly petani dan taraf ekonomi yang agak kurang jika ingin dibandingkan dengan kampung kita.

Semoga kita menjadi orang yang bersyukur terhadap rezkiNya.

And aku sangat suka dengan masyarakat sana yang sangat beradab melayan tetamu.

Ada satu ketika ketika seorang Ustaz mahu cuci pisau after sembelihan, like ramai bebudak lelaki berlari to pam air untuk tolong Ustaz pam air.

That is one moment yang memorable ,at least untuk aku.

on Day 2, lepas check out hotel terus ke kampung next untuk misi qurban.

Kampung Chhnang dan kampung Cham.


Lagi sekali sangat tersentuh dengan kesantunan anak-anak sekolah maahad di sana.
Dengan guru guru mereka sanggup membuka pagar; menggali dan mecabut batang kayu yang menjadi pagar sekolah dan asrama mereka semata untuk kami masuk dengan bas.

Dan warga disana sangat berbudi bahasa. Selalu senyum dan peluk-peluk kitorang yang datang. Feel like home.

Disana , kami mengagihkan sumbangan makanan dan sedikit sumbangan pakaian .

Seriously ;kaim hanyalah pengantara untuk memberikan sumbangan dari para dermawan di Malaysia kepada masyarakat Islam disini. Tak lebih dari itu.

Then next pada petangnya kami ke tengah bandar Pnom Penh untuk ke perkampungan atas air untuk sumbangan baju baju.

Suasana ketika pemberian sangat kelam kabut dengan perebutan. Sudah diarahkan untuk beratur tapi end up akan berantakan juga. But it was an experience untuk aku dan team mates. Mungkin mereka sangat susah sampai perlu berebut demi kelangsungan hidup merek. Who knows. Only Allah knows.

Aku jadi tersentuh bila tengok ada lagi at the other side of the world yang tinggal di dalam perahu macam dalam gambar kat bawah. Rasa macam 'Kenapa,kenapa' . Tapi instead of asking questiong 'why' better for us to help them semampu kita. Saudara se agama. 


There was one moment bila mana kami harus menyantuni anak2 di sebuah kampung. Aktiviti yang dilakukan berkait dengan anak-anak.

Disebabkan majoriti dari kami merupakan Faculty of Medicine, aktiviti yang dipilih untuk dilakukan haruslah hand washing dan brushing teeth. Seem lame tapi ia sangat super important. Supaya ada kesedaran walaupun sedikit terhadap kebersihan. So mereka boleh la basuh tangan sebelum makan, after ke toilet. Gittuw.

And aku semestinya tidak la selayak mereka yang sudah grad dalam perubatan untuk in charge dalam hand washing, makanya, aku hanya in charge dalam warna mewarna. hahah


Journey kali ini, membuka mata dan hati bahawa kita di Malaysia, sungguh tinggal dalam mewah. Sungguh.

Jika mahu dibandingkan dengan mereka. 

'Maka Nikmat Tuhanmu yang mana yang engkau dustakan?'

Syukur. lazimkan hati menyebut syukur kerana jika kita sudah punya rumah, pakaian dan rumah, kita sudah kaya.

They are so pure. Both heart and characters. May Allah bless them always. 

This is my very first time in this journey. And surely not the last. Semoga boleh contribute more to others through my capabilities.


'Never doubt your ability to change someone's life'

25th Sept 2018
4:38 pm