


Assalamualaikum .

Aku tau it was so long since aku tak jot something  here.
because maybe aku rasa that things tak penting pun.
but today. aku rasa aku nak share my excitement with my readers.

Aku memang dah follow Teme Abdullah ever since my friend introduce me to his Instagram . which in his Instagram are all about buildings and drawings which aku memang suka giloos.

I've read Pelukis Jalaana. Barai air mata nih.Cis
And now he made a comeback with his second masterpiece ; Arkitek Jalanan.
sumpah tipu kalau cakap tak barai lagi air mata ni.

barai jugak.
ingat last air mata time O&G posting je. Cis

What make this book more interesting was the front page which I believe Teme's drawings juga.

and mostnya aku excited about the content.
kali ni he story about how he juggle with his final year, target to get first degree and in the same time menulis pelukis jalanan(his ever first book)

Aku sangat suka every chapter , he will mulakan dengan his drawings which give a view about what he was gonna tell.

sticky notes aku rasa dah banyak tampal dekat buku -buku dia.
sebab the way he presenting the story, aku suka.
Simple, nampak remaja( ecewah) and straight to the heart.

Aku remember one quotes la from his book
' apa yang kau tulis from heart will go to heart' . Something liddat la.

Aku banyak belajar dari buku ni.
belajar erti kawan
belajar erti jangan putus asa
belajar that you have each other when you studying far from family ( ni memang kena dengan kes aku). Yeah aku admit even just KUL-TGN but still weh jauh.

kena tunggu cuti lama baru boleh fikir pasal balik.

and foremost aku belajar yang kau perlu aim tinggi tinggi.
kalau ada first degree class, aim for that
kalau ada Anugerah Diraja , aim for that.

sebab kau kena tahu selama hari ni from tadika sampai sekarang, kau belajar untuk masuk universiti. kalau kau main main, all your efforts will be sia sia. Doa mak ayah sebelum ni, macam sia sia.

Allahu tiba tiba rasa bersalah sebab aku pernah juga main main.

And kau punya aim mesti kawan rapat kau at least tahu supaya kalau kau off track dia akan nasihat kan kau balik.
sebab usaha mesti setimpal dengan impian. Jangan jadi seperti angan angan Mat Jenin.

aku belajar juga how close you and your friend will be. one of the activities done  together Ahmad and Teme was solat berjemaah.

Solat berjemaah mengikat tali ukhuwwah i may say. I try to instill into my self juga. sebab apa guna ada kawan tapi tak boleh ajak jemaah sekali.
memang malu duhh nak ajak jemaah sekali. but when your friend said 'OK'
rasa macam 'wehhh thannnk youuuu'

Memang buku ni ubah mindset aku terhadap degree yang aku ambik sekarang.
ubah impian aku

Bukan nak ubah course tapi ubah Aim.
Aim untuk Professional exam. aim untuk banggakan mak ayah lagi.
Aim untuk jadi fellow kepada surgeon yang kau minat (UpperGI team,Coloreactal Team hatss off)
Ataupun aim nak jadi fellow Medical under specialist yang ajar kau macam macam time medical student.

Terima Kasih Teme for the book. Such an inpsiration.
Aku akan spread the positivity of your bokks to others as well.

Ada rezeki nak jumpa. Nak express to him by myself how this book really means so much.
Just like how I express to Dr Beni about his story of Dr Roy Azman.

' Tak perlu letak tajuk Dakwah pun , kalau betul isinya membawa mesej dakwah '
by:Teme Abdullah

13/05/2017; 3:05 pm

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