

Surgery Posting ;The OnCall

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim πŸ’•πŸ’•

Writing this post at 1.12 am 2/7/2017

suddenly teringat on how great surgery posting was.
how great the people ,the nurses the surgeons.

the most memorable moments for me personally was not in operation theater eventho the posting mostly in the OT.
but i will forever miss the oncall

first oncall ☺
I remembered I was so blurred, dumb and had nothing to do.
First timer.

but Alhamdulillah there was awesome seniors 5th year yang sudi tolong and terangkan little bit about oncall that night.
the 3rd year team pun suportive .

and most unforgettable moments was when Dr Lim always asking us whether we had our dinner or not, had shower or not. sedangkan she herself pun had not get the dinner yet.

and she asking the HO dah makan ke belom, kalau belom makan she will take away for him. she is very niceeeee.
but now she is in Upper GI team already.

she even explain to us dearly on how she wants the oncall going.

' This oncall supposely we want to know the current issue of the patient, if they still in the ward , why? if they had ulcers or wounds ,are they going to heal well or infected.' sedikit sebanyak what Dr Lim   said. 

And after that the seniors macam agihkan tugas to us. we shared the current issue of the patient together. very supportive seniors ..

And kebetulan on that night the MO surgery  was called to the Emergency sebab ada kes intestional Obstruction ( something obstruct the usus) .

btw , I was in colorectal team :)

at ED( emergency ) ada DR Diana  πŸ’— yang comel and still Dr Lim. I thought Dr Lim was going down to buy some food but she went to ED wehhh helping Dr Diana too.

seriously we are like one big team weh handling the case. well yeah Me personally not really helping with the branula but still I give my hand out too. Holding patients data :3

Dr will arah us like
' Adik please amek branule size ........'
'Adik please hold the patient's documents and xrays'
'Adik please amek normal saline'
'Adik help me out with the branula '
'Adik send this uncle to ward , we need to go OT fast'

and we like crazy searching for all those things yang Dr minta in ED which was I am not familiar with. 
and tengok akak 5th insert cannula, while DR Diana observing.
seriously she is cool with her ponytail semua.

Miss you Dr Diana.πŸ’“

that was in the ED.

the patient sent to the wards pulak.

and the chaotic moments happend in wards pulak.
bila Dr minta oxygen,antibiotics prophylaxis and insering CBD.

when HO really like crazy too running around nak trace result , tak sempat nak masuk CBD, Dr MO terus like tolong him and said ' Adik you go trace result ,lemme do this' . Gittuw

and then this moment when my ultimate Bae came πŸ’˜
I have many Bae(s) in surgery departments :D 

she arahkan people to take all those pre operation stuff like antibiotics semua tu.

then when semua dah settel , patients went to OT, I thought on call dah habis .
but wehhh..
night ward round belom. sebab terhenti was due to the uncle earlier in ED. then sambung rounds .

and lagi Dr Diana asked about patient progress and the investigations
time ni memang rasa third year macam dengar je sebab every freaking questions Dr akan make sure final year akan jawab dulu.

and yeas. we jot down the note.

katanya Dr Diana
'Third year jangan kecik hati aku beratkan final years, sebab sekarang if they dont know boleh ajar, jangan keluar UKM tak tahu , malu ukm nanti'

ada soalan yes can raised your hands.
but beware.
in med school not every question will be answer. sometimes our question will be answer by a questions too. and next what we have to do? Go back and read..:3

and from that oncall juga aku baru tahu normal urine output .
0.5-1 ml/kg/hour yer guyssss

so calculate based on your weight duhhh.

there was also moments when Ms Nora , she sit in front of computer making slides presentation and in the same time asking us questions and we are free to google.
she asked and if we answer it wrong she will corrected it.
Masuk clinic dia pun best even first she look quite garang.

aku ingat lagi dia tanya pasal SIRS. please google.
and we like crazy googled too.:3

the other day in the ward she randomly asked us about autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. fuuhhh

okay back to oncall  πŸ˜€ and when oncall dah sampai around 11 pm, Dr Diana like asked us the third year where are we staying, should you guys stay sampai habis, . and lastly she asked us to go back. Thank you major love Dr.<3

And yes tak pernah nampak Dr Diana marah-marah. or Dr lim marah-marah
kalau tak senyum tu biasa .

I had such a great oncall memories because of them. the seniors ,the MO surgeon.:)

serious banyak benda boleh belajar from one freaking on call. from other team pun boleh belajar juga.:)

but prepare first to be asked.

hopefully in final in the same team / Upper GI / Vascular.
these three team awesomeeeee.

 Thank you sebab sudi baca .Writing from home on the bed. 

Last but not least. our photo memory with forever ever awesome -one of my Bae surgeon.
Ms Reynu .πŸ’™ Spot Her.:)